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FLOWNEX SE 8.8.2 (2017 - update 2)

Flownex® SE’s update 2 includes major enhancements to even further improve user-friendliness and ease of use, enhanced solving capability and speed, additional features and solvers, as well as new models and components.

In this update, attention is given to the Licensing Module Selector, as well as a new CFX generic interface component that enables the user to model heat transfer and pressure drop in 3D (ANSYS CFX), seamlessly coupled to a 1D network (Flownex®).

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Licensing Module Selector

The licensing module selector enables the user to choose which modules should be selected when using Flownex®. To select modules, the License Setup dialog should be opened that is available under Help. In the License Setup dialog, a Module Selection tab has been added. An option is available to use all available module licenses, which is the default option, as seen in Figure 1.
Fig. 1 - Module Selection - Use all available licenses

If the “Use all available module licenses” option is unselected, a list of modules is shown to choose from. All modules are always listed and not only the modules with licenses available, as seen in Figure 2.

Fig. 2 - Module Selection - Modules List
When modules are selected in the License Setup window, Flownex® will check if there are licenses available and if this module is selected. It is important to ensure that licenses are not borrowed when module selections are made – as borrowed licenses that are unselected will not be automatically returned.

CFX Link

A component that links Flownex® to CFX has been added, as seen in Figure 3.
Fig. 3 - CFX Generic Interface
The CFX Generic Interface component gives the user the ability to model heat transfer and pressure drop in 3D (Ansys CFX) seamlessly coupled to a 1D (Flownex®) network. In a Flownex® time step, boundary conditions are passed from Flownex® to the CFX setup, the CFX setup is solved, and results are extracted and returned to Flownex®. Boundary conditions and returned results include mass flow, speed, pressure and temperature. The CFX Generic Interface component does not support co-simulation in steady-state although it can be run in transient until the combined solution converges. Figure 4 shows how the CFX Generic Interface component is linked to a Flow Resistance element in Flownex®.
Fig. 4 - CFX Generic Interface linked to Flownex

Cavity Wall Editor

An editor has been added that allows a user to draw the cavity wall profile for Rotor-Rotor or Rotor-Stator components with complex geometry specification turned on.

The Cavity Wall Editor allows users to select a background image and easily draw and modify the wall profile on top of this image, as seen in Figure 5.

Fig. 5 - Cavity Wall Editor

Global Parameters

The capability to specify global parameters have been added. These parameters can be linked to any amount of inputs. Any changes to the parameter value will change all the associated input fields. Global parameters act like any other property in Flownex®, and can be used as part of transient scenarios in actions, sensitivity analysis studies, reporting, etc. Global parameters can be defined in any input field, or an input field can be linked to a global parameter. To define a global parameter in an input field, type a “$” followed by the parameter name. This will create a new global parameter, the input will be linked to that parameter and the value of the input field will be used for that parameter. To refresh, select the component again and it can be seen that the input field is now disabled. Right clicking on the field will show a context menu that will take the user to the parameter definition. To link an input field to an existing global parameter, type a “$” followed by the parameter name. The input will be linked and the value of the input will be set to the existing parameter value. To see the global parameters configuration, or manually add, edit or delete parameters or linked properties, go to Global Parameters on the configuration ribbon.
Fig. 6 - Global Parameters available under Configuration

The Global Parameters dialog will then open, as seen in Figure 7.

Fig. 7 - Global Parameters Dialog

To use global parameters in actions, etc. open the Solvers tab and select Global Parameters, as seen in Figure 8.

Fig. 8 - Global Parameters - Solver
The global parameters will be listed in the Input Property grid, where the user can drag and drop the Value of the global parameter to use like any other input property in Flownex®.


  • Several new examples were added to show how to automate Flownex® from different environments.
  • A Python example was added to show how to use Flownex® with ordinary Python (IronPython is then not required).
  • Added a complete Python example to build a complex network.
  • Added an example to shows how to build a network via C#.
  • Added examples that shows how to modify properties, solve and get results via C#.

Excess Flow Valve

An Excess Flow Valve (EFV) has been added in Flownex®, as seen in Figure 9.
Fig. 9 - Excess Flow Valve

An EFV is mainly used in gas distribution networks as a protection device. In the event of a pipe rupture downstream of the EFV, the EFV will automatically close, effectively closing the gas flow to the ruptured area. The closure mechanism of an EFV is brought about by an increase in gas flow rate in the pipe line, resulting in increased drag force on the valve components, which closes once a certain specified limit is exceeded. This flow rate is known as the “shut off flow”.

The shut off flow rate (Vs) is the flow rate at which the drag forces on the internal valve elements are such that it overcomes the internal spring force, effectively closing the EFV. Most manufacturers give the shut off flow in terms of a normalized volume flow rate versus inlet pressure at a single point or as a graph over the EFVs pressure range as is typically Error! Reference source not found. shown in Figure 10 Error! Reference source not found..

Fig. 10 - EFV normalised shut off volume flow rate versus inlet pressure graph
The Flownex® EFV model is based on the ANSI valve standard and therefore calculates the pressure drop through specification of a valve Cv or Kv value. Valves that are specified as self-opening furthermore contains a bypass channel allowing the flow to bypass the valve in the closed position, thereby pressurizing the downstream side until the valve re-opens upon repairing the pipe rupture. The bypass channel diameter and discharge coefficient are used as inputs.


  • Added torque and torque imbalance results to relevant components (for example the Variable Speed Pump, Shaft etc.).
  • Updated the reading of files in example neutronics scripts to work with tab delimiters too.
  • Changed inlet and outlet solid fractions to 1.0 by default for conduction elements.
  • Made the pipe schedules editor clearer to use by adding usage messages and clearly indicating which cells to select.
  • Made writing flow solver text result files optional – these files are rarely used and can cause long delays at the end of steady states and transient simulations. It is now a setting in the Flow Solver. 
  • Changed Turbine flow coefficient units to be more consistent with industry norm.


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